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Part 5

Disasters and social participation in a Nahuat Community from Mexico

Maria Eugenia Sánchez y Díaz de Rivera, Iberoamericana University of Puebla
F. H. Eduardo Almeida Acosta, Iberoamericana University of Puebla
Antonio Vázquez Carreón, Luis Félix Aguilar
Francisco Sánchez Conde, Animation and Development Project, Civil Association.
Beatriz Acevedo Calderón, Rural School Rafael Ramirez, Ayotzinapan, Puebla.

This article is organized in four sections. The first one introduces to the topics of disasters and community participation. The second section describes a participative paving project of a rural community as means of confronting a disaster in December, 1989. A snowstorm destroyed the region’s coffee plantations dramatically affecting its population. An analysis of the relationships of vulnerability, resilience and community participation is presented. The third section is an account of community’s social participation facing intense rains in October 1999 and the positive effects of the joint action of inhabitants from the community, teachers and university professionals. The fourth section presents the dramatic events caused by the Dean Hurricane in August-September 2007. This section stresses the importance of preventive actions derived to resilience and community participation.

Key words: Disasters, vulnerability, resilience, community organization and social participation.

Part 5


Maria Eugenia Sánchez y Díaz de Rivera, F. H. Eduardo Almeida Acosta, Antonio Vázquez Carreón, Francisco Sánchez Conde, Beatriz Acevedo Calderón

Maria Eugenia Sánchez y Díaz de Rivera, Iberoamericana University of Puebla
F. H. Eduardo Almeida Acosta, Iberoamericana University of Puebla
Antonio Vázquez Carreón, Luis Félix Aguilar
Francisco Sánchez Conde, Animation and Development Project, Civil Association.
Beatriz Acevedo Calderón, Rural School Rafael Ramirez, Ayotzinapan, Puebla.

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palabras clave: Disasters, vulnerability, resilience, community organization and social participation, gjcpp, 2nd ICCP