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"Practice is where we learn how our theories or ideas are implemented. Practice is where we improve our skills by adapting to the ever-changing environment."
"We are similar to archeologists, we try to understand the customs, norms and values within different contexts; we search for understanding by listening to people's lived experiences."
"We added a voice to communicate our field to an international audience, included new voices, and considered the cultural variables that would make the effort fair and impactful."
"The global journal helped define CP practice, and create an outlet for the contributions of practitioners that otherwise would never have told the stories of their projects."
"We try to understand collaborations with communities, and we have sought vehicles that value opportunities to take risks and are open to our unorthodox storytelling."

Artículos destacados del alrededor del Mundo

Back to Too Much?  Feeling Overwhelmed with Social Inclusion During the COVID-19 Pandemic Back to Too Much? Feeling Overwhelmed with Social Inclusion During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Author(s): Devki Patel, Verena Graupmann, Susan Markunas, Allyssa Alteri, & Joseph R. Ferrari


Peer Reviewed


Here, we analyzed peoples’ accounts of dealing with a sense of overinclusion in pandemic and post-pandemic socializing. In the varied responses in a qualitative sample of 24 participants, we found a disproportionate amount of post-distancing socializing brought up among recalled interactions deemed as “overwhelming”, than other inclusion interactions. Among the “overwhelming” interactions, post-distancing socializing was described as of more negative as positive emotional quality. 

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The Impact of Surf Therapy on Risk-Taking and Interpersonal Closeness Among Violence-Exposed Youth The Impact of Surf Therapy on Risk-Taking and Interpersonal Closeness Among Violence-Exposed Youth

Author(s): Sarah Beranbaum, Nicole Kouri, Nicola Van der Merwe, & Wendy D’Andrea


Peer Reviewed


The impacts of the sport-based, psycho-social intervention, surf therapy, have thus far yielded promising results based on self-reported and qualitative assessments. The purpose of this study is to use a multi-method evaluation to investigate the effects of Waves for Change’s surf therapy program for at-risk youth according to the primary intervention aims. Findings suggest that Waves for Change’s surf therapy program is an efficacious, trauma-informed intervention for violence-exposed youth. The intervention has been found to strengthen interpersonal connectivity and reduce impulsivity.

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“It’s the closest I can get to meditation sometimes”: Volunteering as a Surf Therapy Mentor “It’s the closest I can get to meditation sometimes”: Volunteering as a Surf Therapy Mentor

Author(s): Karl Potts & Jon May


Peer Reviewed


Surf therapy is a novel form of small-group, nature-based mental health intervention that has proliferated globally in recent years. Self-reported outcomes indicate that surf therapy can be effective for enhancing mental health and wellbeing, but there is little theoretical understanding into the causal mechanisms of effect and limited strength behind the existing evidence base. This study employed a qualitative approach to explore the personal experiences and observations of volunteer surf mentors’ working with UK-based surf therapy charity the Wave Project. 

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Evaluating the Benefits of a Novel Community-based Social Engagement Organization for Improving Mental Health and Reducing Clinical Visits Evaluating the Benefits of a Novel Community-based Social Engagement Organization for Improving Mental Health and Reducing Clinical Visits

Author(s): Barbara Lee VanHorssen, Travis Andrews, & Gloria K. Lee


Peer Reviewed


This pilot study evaluated the relationship between clinical healthcare resources and a community-based social engagement organization in a medium-sized community in the midwestern United States.

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Agency or Structure?  Community and Individual Level factors impacting Recycling Behaviors Agency or Structure? Community and Individual Level factors impacting Recycling Behaviors

Author(s): Andrew P. Camilleri & Joseph R. Ferrari


Peer Reviewed


The present study combined Ajzen Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) and Schwartz’s Value Theory (1992) with socio-demographic factors to analyze their impact on intention to recycle. 

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Editor's Note

Dear Authors and Readers

We are proud to share our latest issue of the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice. We are immensely grateful for your patience and understanding. Your support means the world to us, and we truly appreciate your grace.

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