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Part 3

School climate perception and adolescent adjustment

Migliorini L., Manetti M., Rania N.
Department of Anthropological Sciences
University of Genoa, Italy
laura.migliorini@unige.it ; mara.manetti@unige.it; nadia.rania@unige.it

According to theoretical framework of developmental contextualism (Goossens, 2006) school context play an important role in the development of adolescent: the variability in adolescent outcomes may be explained by the interaction between contextual factors and adolescent individual differences. Most studies have focused on how perceptions of school climate affect adolescent adjustment; in particular researchers evidence that the interpersonal, organizational and instructional climate of school influences student adjustment across multiple domains (Way, Reddy, Rhodes, 2007; Brand et alt., 2008). The project objective is to analyse the school climate perception and the adolescent adjustment in immigrant, double heritage and Italian students.

Key words: school climate, adolescent adjustment, well-being, identity process.

Part 3


Migliorini L., Manetti M., Rania N.

Migliorini L., Manetti M., Rania N.
Department of Anthropological Sciences
University of Genoa, Italy
laura.migliorini@unige.it ; mara.manetti@unige.it; nadia.rania@unige.it

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palabras clave: Key words: school climate, adolescent adjustment, well-being, identity process, 2nd ICCP, gjcpp