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2012 Conference Proceedings

Alternate Level of Care: Hospital Beds as a Costly Housing Substitute for People with Mental Health Issues by  Reena Sirohi, Susan Eckerle Curwood, Nick Kerman & John Trainor

Alternate Level of Care:
Hospital Beds as a Costly Housing Substitute for People with Mental Health Issues

In 2009 the Mental Health Commission of Canada contracted the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and the Canadian Council on Social Development to undertake a national scan of housing and related supports for people living with mental illness across Canada.

The ALC issue was widely mentioned across the country by people who contributed to the Turning the Key report, and in many provinces and territories as an important priority. Many studies have turned to examine the economic case for providing supported housing options as a financially viable alternative to bed blocking in hospitals.

2012 Conference Proceedings


Reena Sirohi, Susan Eckerle Curwood, Nick Kerman & John Trainor

Reena Sirohi (Reena.Sirohi@camh.ca), Susan Eckerle Curwood, Nick Kerman & John Trainor
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

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palabras clave: 2012 Canadian conference, community psychology, alternate care, gjcpp