Síguenos en Facebook 10th Anniversary!

Part 4

Chapters covering pages from 441 to 548

This section contains chapters from the Proceedings that range from page 441 to 548.

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Homelessness Lifetime Prevalence and Attitudes to Homeless in Portugal

Marta Miguel, José Ornelas, Maria Vargas-MonizMarta Miguel, José Ornelas, Maria Vargas-Moniz

The present study intended to estimate the prevalence of population that already was in situation of homeless at some moment of its life, and to accede to one specific dimension of public opinion, attitudes, identifying which characteristics can distinguish the population with different attitudes face to the homeless.

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Community-Clinical Psychology in Venezuela: Looking ahead

Maritza Montero & Maribel Gonçalves de Freitas

In this paper we describe how at the beginning of this century a project to create a graduate course in Community Clinical Psychology started at Universidad Católica “Andrés Bello”, with the community psychology area directed by the first author. The initial errors, subsequent corrections and achievements so far produced are analyzed. And the central focus is put on aiming to construct a sub-discipline not for the community or in it, carried out in the usual ways of doing clinical psychology; but a clinical-community psychology taking place within the community, with its participation.

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Refugee families in a multicultural setting

Eva Nyberg

Since about 1960 Sweden has received people from other countries, first as workers in our industry (they came mostly from Southern Europe), from 1970 mainly as refugees from all conflict areas all over the world.

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Enfoque Teórico Metodológico para el Estudio de la Vida Cotidiana

Dra. Maricela Perera

Si todos tenemos una vida y la vivimos cotidianamente, ¿qué sentido tiene plantearse estudiar algo tan conocido? Diversas son las respuestas posibles, en esta presentación deseamos compartir una propuesta desde la mirada analítica de la Psicología Social.

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Community and place identity in change: a discursive approach to local participation

Norma De Piccoli, Rollero Chiara, Greganti Katiuscia

This study refers to participation and to relationships between individuals and environment. We investigated the perception of the quality of the life in the neighbourhood, the perception and evaluation of social ties and of participation by means of a semi-structured interviews on a sample of 29 active citizens. We ran a content analysis on the interviews and then a co-occurences analysis to emphasize the relationships among the different topics investigated. Qualitative data shows both negative and positive features of the quality of life in the neighbourhood and they underline also some critical aspects involved in the process of participation. Further considerations are discussed.

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Narratives and health: Fostering prosocial communities among recent immigrants to Toronto

Wade E. Pickren, Cynthia Shih, Nina Vitopoulos, Julia Stanislavskaia, & Andrea Andreii

In Forrest Tyler’s recent book, Developing prosocial communities across cultures, he recalls two experiences that he and his wife, Sandy, had in Colombia and India that illustrate the idea of prosocial communities and a key claim of this paper, which is the importance of listening to people’s own voices as they recount their strengths and their challenges. In the first, Forrest recalls the experience he and Sandy had in Colombia when they were asked to document the experience of Colombian street children in the children’s own words. These children were generally despised and marginalized. However, when asked to tell their stories, they told of a sense of themselves and their communities as being resourceful and of having strengths as a community. This was different than what the experts expected. As the Tylers experienced, “the experts viewpoints reflected only their own, discipline limited outlooks about the nature and capabilities of these children” (Tyler, 2007, p. 2).

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Disclosure of sexual abuse in school environment: Intervention with teachers

Angela Torma Pietro & Maria Angela Mattar Yunes

Teachers and professionals of education should be prepared to identify and evaluate the signs of intra or extra familial violence. The school environment might be a context where abused children and adolescents feel free to “break” the silence and ask for help. This work aimed to investigate the effects of these situations in a public school located in Rio Grande/RS, Brazil. Seven first school years teachers participated in this research and intervention project. The proposal was elaborated under the theoretical basis of the bioecology of human development.

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Competencias Profesionales en Estudiantes de Psicología

Susana Ruiz Pimentel, Sara E. Ruiz Vallejo, María José García Oramas

The accelerated changing nature of our times has without doubt had a great impact on areas of knowledge. Education in Psychology at undergraduate level is growing rapidly in Mexico, in terms of the emergence of numerous university faculties and graduates, who confront the evermore complex demands of a given context when they enter the workplace, and hence competencies such as team work, planning, organization, innovation, flexibility, decision making, among others require greater attention during their professional education.

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Social exclusion paradox in Poland

Przemysław Piotrowski, Małgorzata Wysocka-Pleczyk, Piotr Passowicz

The process of social exclusion can be described from two perspectives: of the society that stigmatizes and of the stigmatized group. The paper explores the paradox of social exclusion of football hooligans in Poland. The authors argue that social exclusion is not necessarily connected with the reduced level of the quality of life. The sense of belonging to a hooligan group becomes the essential source of support. Simultaneously it is a foundation for shaping one’s identity.

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Construction of a Portuguese Online Forum for Mutual Help

Marta Sofia Pita

This presentation is based on a project which the main objective was the construction of a Portuguese mutual help on-line Forum which the underline subject is mental health.


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De la opresión al bienestar. Explorando Poder, Opresión y Bienestar entre Inmigrantes Marroquíes en España

Sonia Hernández-Plaza, Manuel García-Ramírez, Isabel M. Herrera Sánchez, Violeta Luque-Ribelles, y Virginia Paloma

Durante las últimas décadas, millones de personas han llegado a países de la Unión Europea para mejorar su calidad de vida y la de sus familiares. Las diferentes culturas, mercados y servicios que encuentran en Europa, fomentan en estos nuevos ciudadanos de la Unión Europea expectativas de satisfacción de sus necesidades, reconocimiento justo de sus aportaciones. Sin embargo, frecuentemente los inmigrantes se incorporan a un mercado laboral precario, que les obliga a asentarse en barrios sin acceso a servicios y recursos sociales, fomentando actitudes de rechazo en los vecinos nativos. La incorporación de los inmigrantes se realiza, por tanto, en condiciones asimétricas, que dificultan sus posibilidades para desarrollar su proyecto migratorio. En este contexto, la adaptación de la comunidad inmigrante se configura como uno de los principales desafíos para el presente y futuro de la Unión Europea.

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Places of fear and attachment. How Azoreans perceive seismic and volcanic risk.

Isabel Estrela Rego, Ana Moura Arroz

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have been regular phenomena in the Azores. In spite of the knowledge already gathered by local historians and earth sciences researchers, there are no scientific data on the socio- cultural dimensions of volcanic and seismic risks. A research project on risk perception of natural hazards (TOPOI METUS) is now being carried out in order to study the social cosmographies of seismic and volcanic hazard.

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