Welcome to the special issue devoted to the 2nd International Conference on Community Psychology, held in Lisboa Portugal during June 2008. We are pleased to provide a vehicle for the dissemination of the proceedings from the conference. Contained in this issue are papers from the conference, organized by the Table of Contents.
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A. Afkhamebrahimi, M. Nasr Esfehani
Iran University of Medical Science,
Tehran Psychiatrc Institute
Peer Reviewed
This article presents data from a study of patient expectations and satisfaction, and quality of life. The higher the perceived fulfillment of the expectation is, the higher the satisfaction is. When fulfillment is lower than the expectation, the greater the gap and the lower the satisfaction. Today patient satisfaction is considered a key measure of quality of care and patients reporting higher satisfaction were more likely to have a higher quality of life.
Read more...João Aguiar, Portugal
Peer Reviewed
Empowerment promotion is a major challenge for community psychology. Practitioners’ understanding of change processes and relationship building capacity are crucial elements for this. We reflect on some methodological and theoretical frames. We consider that the naturalistic paradigm and method can be applied to empowerment promotion, particularly if it is focused on creating change based on people’s voice, participation and actions (Aguiar & Moniz, 2006).
Read more...J. Aguiar, F. Cardoso, P. Paz, A. Martins, & B. Lopes; Portugal
Peer Reviewed
"O Sonho" (The dream) is a Portuguese NGO that works in Setúbal. Since 2005 "O Sonho" expanded its participation in community settings. In October 2007 “O Sonho” made a protocol with the Portuguese Social Security System, to work for a national poverty ending program – Rendimento Social de Inserção (Social Integration Income), promoting labor, social and community integration of low income population.
Read more...Caterina Arcidiacono & Fortuna Procentese; Naples Italy
Peer Reviewed
Literature on ethnic identity and acculturation strategies - integration, assimilation, separation or marginalization (Berry,1997) - show how host populations perceive migrants and that migrant populations may be viewed very differently by the majority group or the larger society. We understand the complex interaction between individual factors, the individual’s belonging to a group, the intragroup and intergroup dynamics, while bearing in mind that at the same time the dimensions we mentioned interact reciprocally within the group and with external groups.
Read more...This section contains chapters that range from pages 549 to 625 in the Table of Contents.
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This section contains chapters ranging from pages 626 to 729 in the Proceedings Table of Contents.
Click on "View All" below to access the papers in this section.
You can download the full PDF (including tables and graphs) for each paper, by going to each of the papers individually. Just click on the "PDF" link under each abstract.
These chapters correspond to pages 31 to 169 of the Proceedings Table of Contents.
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This section contains chapters ranging from pages 170 to 307.
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You can download the full PDF (including tables and graphs) for each paper, by going to each of the papers individually. Just click on the "PDF" link under each abstract.
This section contains chapters ranging from pages 308 to 440 in the Proceedings Table of Contents.
Click on "View All" below to access the papers in this section.
You can download the full PDF (including tables and graphs) for each paper, by going to each of the papers individually. Just click on the "PDF" link under each abstract.
This section contains chapters from the Proceedings that range from page 441 to 548.
Click on "View All" below to access the papers in this section.
You can download the full PDF (including tables and graphs) for each paper, by going to each of the papers individually. Just click on the "PDF" link under each abstract.