Welcome to the special issue devoted to the 3rd International Conference on Community Psychology, held in Puebla Mexico during June 2010. We are pleased to provide a vehicle for the dissemination of the proceedings from the conference. Contained in this issue are papers from the conference, organized by themes.
In addition to accessing the individual papers on the left and right sidebars of this web site, you can download the entire volume here.
3rd ICCP Planning Committee, and
GJCPP Editorial Board
Read more...La Tercera Conferencia, celebrada en junio de 2010 en la Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, en México, tuvo como tema general “Aproximaciones Comunitarias a los Problemas Sociales Contemporáneos”. Buscó contribuir al estatus científico y profesional de la Psicología Comunitaria como un aporte internacional desde la perspectiva del contexto histórico y sociocultural de los problemas sociales actuales, y como una “Ciencia Enlace” multidisciplinaria capaz de ofrecer una contribución necesaria y original para enfrentarlos. La Psicología Comunitaria ha sido relevante en relación a los asuntos psicosociales clave confrontados por psicólogos comunitarios en países ricos y países en desventaja, desde la mitad de los años cincuenta del siglo pasado.
Incluido en este número son los documentos de la conferencia, organizada por temas.
Read more...This book is the first volume of two that will communicate the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Community Psychology celebrated in Puebla, Mexico, in June 2010. As such it partially represents the third international academic achievement of community psychologists from all over world. Human beings from all the continents gave time and support to make the international gathering a success. We decided to offer in Vol. I the presentations of the invited participants that were selected by the Scientific International Committee. But there were other important studies presented at the Conference.
Read more...Este libro es el primer volumen de dos que comunicarán las Memorias de la Tercera Conferencia Internacional de Psicología Comunitaria celebrada en Puebla, México, en junio de 2010. Como tal representa el tercer logro académico internacional de psicólogos comunitarios de todo el mundo. Seres humanos de todos los continentes brindaron tiempo y apoyo para hacer de este encuentro internacional un éxito. Decidimos ofrecer en este Volumen I las presentaciones de los participantes invitados que fueron escogidos por el Comité Científico Internacional. Como también hubo otros estudios importantes presentados durante la Conferencia un competente equipo editorial de Puerto Rico está preparando el Volumen 2. Queremos reconocer y agradecer a ambos equipos editoriales locales, al de Puebla (México) y al de San Juan (Puerto Rico). También debemos mencionar y agradecer a los miembros de nuestro Comité Editorial Internacional. Ellos fueron colaboradores importantes en la preparación de la Conferencia, decisivos en la selección de los participantes invitados y aseguraron la calidad de sus trabajos.
Read more...This section contains four papers that include topics such as community psychology and social problems, the influence of syntax and language on our experience of community, and alternative views of community.
Click on "View All" below to read the articles.
This section contains the Author Profiles, the profiles of the Volume Editors, and the profiles of the International Editorial Team.
Click on "View All" below to read these items.
In promoting global practice, much of our work is online. This successful journal itself is a primary example. But our journal is read by people like us who are already doing community practice. So how could we expand online learning to the many millions – or billions – of people who could benefit from our community psychology knowledge and skills?
Articles from Around the Globe
Critical Vision of Community Psychology
Health Challenges to Community Psychology
Violence, Attempts upon Communities
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This section of the Proceedings focuses on the development of a critical vision of community psychology. Articles include discussions of the values of Community Psychology, whether and how we live up to them, and ideas about the future of the field.
Click on "View All" below to read the articles.
This section features articles discussing health challenges to community psychology. There are four articles that include topics such as physical health and empowerment, mental health services and addictions, and homelessness.
Click on "View All" below to read the articles.
This section contains several papers focused on topics such as socio-structural violence, racialized exclusion, peace building, and xenophobia.
Click on "View All" below to read the articles.