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Part 5

This section contains chapters including pages 549 to 625

This section contains chapters that range from pages 549 to 625 in the Table of Contents.

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Disasters and social participation in a Nahuat Community from Mexico

Maria Eugenia Sánchez y Díaz de Rivera, F. H. Eduardo Almeida Acosta, Antonio Vázquez Carreón, Francisco Sánchez Conde, Beatriz Acevedo Calderón

This article is organized in four sections. The first one introduces to the topics of disasters and community participation. The second section describes a participative paving project of a rural community as means of confronting a disaster in December, 1989. A snowstorm destroyed the region’s coffee plantations dramatically affecting its population. An analysis of the relationships of vulnerability, resilience and community participation is presented. The third section is an account of community’s social participation facing intense rains in October 1999 and the positive effects of the joint action of inhabitants from the community, teachers and university professionals. The fourth section presents the dramatic events caused by the Dean Hurricane in August-September 2007. This section stresses the importance of preventive actions derived to resilience and community participation.

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Discutindo o conceito de comunidade na psicologia para além da perspectiva identitária

Tatiana Gomes da Rocha

Este estudo tem por objetivo discutir o conceito de comunidade no campo da psicologia. Na realidade latino americana, as comunidades onde o psicólogo comunitário atua são, na maioria, áreas urbanas ou rurais ameaçadas pela pobreza e pela negação de oportunidades e de direitos sociais iguais.

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¿Por dónde se asoma la comunidad? Un camino desde los adolescentes y la familia.
 Programa de atención integral para padres y adolescentes en dos comunidades urbano-marginales en el municipio de Durango

Rocío Guzmán Benavente, Rebeca Treviño Montemayor

Se presentan los avances de la puesta en marcha del Programa integral para padres y adolescentes como modelo de intervención psicológica en dos colonias marginadas de Durango, Dgo. México. Se rescata la pertinencia de la metodología propuesta por la psicología comunitaria como una estrategia preventiva en la salud mental para padres e hijos adolescentes, en posible situación de riesgo. Se intenta, asimismo, generar procesos de autogestión de las condiciones de vida en las comunidades atendidas y la oportunidad de propiciar la conformación de redes de apoyo psicosocial entre los mismos participantes.

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Marginalisation and Rurality

Dr Caroline Rouncefield

This paper adopts a ‘community psychology’ approach to the study of domestic violence in an isolated rural community. It suggests that such a perspective – of ‘the individual in context’ - provides important insights both into the character and exegesis of the problem and into possibilities for social change. At the same time the research provides an opportunity for reflection on the character and prospects for Community Psychology itself, particularly with regard to its impact on policy and practice for work in marginalised communities.

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Supportive Houses for persons diagnosed with serious mental disorders as sociocultural sceneries

Javier Saavedra

Supportive houses for persons diagnosed with mental serious disorders are essential for a system based on the community mental health. Nevertheless, beyond the recognition of the patients’ life quality improve who live in these supportive houses, it has been researched little on the influence of these sceneries in the recovery’s process of the residents. In this sense, it’s especially important the possibility of constructing alternative identities to the "patient" role in these scenery. It’s necessary to define these sceneries in a complex way in order to start investigating how social environments can help to reconstruct the identity of the persons diagnosed with mental serious disorders and contribute to their recovery.

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Interactive Patterns between professional and Patient in supportive houses for serious mental ill

Javier Saavedra

This study belongs to a research in progress about changes in life narratives of persons diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. These persons live in supportive houses in Andalusia which belong to a Public Foundation. In the present study the more important interactions between professionals and patients are described. It was carried out ten semistructured interviews to expert professionals who work in the supportive houses. The interactions face to face between professionals and patients is one of the essential factors that can help us to understand the process of patients’ recovery in these sceneries. The description includes very wide aspects as the special – temporal context, the verbal exchange, the emotional charge, the professional evaluation of the interaction, etc. The episodes that the professionals reported us can be classified in the six interactive formats.

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Does the “broken window” theory work? How incivilities affect sense of insecurity in Italian university students

Luca Scacchi, Mariagrazia Monaci, Ennio Cavedon

The aim of this study was to examine the influence of incivilities on sense of insecurity in Italy. The “broken window” thesis claims that by reducing signs of disorder, police can make lasting reductions in crime (Wilson & Kelling, 1982). Other studies argue that changes in level of physical decay and social disorder do not lead decreased crime rates (Taylor, 2001). However, all these studies, as well as several others, link disorder to insecurity: people who perceive incivilities more are more fearful (Lagrange et al., 1992; Santinello et al., 1997). Moreover, past works have stressed the multidimensional constructs underlying psychological reactions to crime: personal fear of crime, social concern of crime, and perceived risk of crime have different predictors (Freudenberg, 1971; Van der Wuff, 1986; Amerio & Roccato, 2005).

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Judicial environment and poor families: risk or protection for relationships?

Simone de Biazzi, Ávila Batista Silveira, & Maria Angela Mattar Yunes

The quality of family relations has an expressive role over the human existence and may constitute a context for processes of development and learning of competencies. It also contributes to the improvement of social structures. The bioecological approach of human development puts forward the importance of those and other interactions. This study aims to investigate the relational processes and mechanisms operating in the judiciary environment that attend poor families involved in judicial conflicts.