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Part 1

Chapters including pages 31 to 169

These chapters correspond to pages 31 to 169 of the Proceedings Table of Contents.

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Chapters including pages 170 to 307

This section contains chapters ranging from pages 170 to 307.

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Chapters from pages 308 to 440

This section contains chapters ranging from pages 308 to 440 in the Proceedings Table of Contents.

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Chapters covering pages from 441 to 548

This section contains chapters from the Proceedings that range from page 441 to 548.

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Homelessness Lifetime Prevalence and Attitudes to Homeless in Portugal

Marta Miguel, José Ornelas, Maria Vargas-MonizMarta Miguel, José Ornelas, Maria Vargas-Moniz

The present study intended to estimate the prevalence of population that already was in situation of homeless at some moment of its life, and to accede to one specific dimension of public opinion, attitudes, identifying which characteristics can distinguish the population with different attitudes face to the homeless.

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This section contains chapters including pages 549 to 625

This section contains chapters that range from pages 549 to 625 in the Table of Contents.

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This section contains chapters ranging from pages 588 to 729 in the Table of Contents

This section contains chapters ranging from pages 626 to 729 in the Proceedings Table of Contents.

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You can download the full PDF (including tables and graphs) for each paper, by going to each of the papers individually. Just click on the "PDF" link under each abstract.

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Desenvolvimento local e processos de educação formal e não formal – relações realçadas pela avaliação de projectos

Manuela Terrasêca Alexandra Sá Costa João Caramelo

With this paper we intend to reflect on the articulation between educational intervention and local development processes. This reflection is based in three evaluations of intervention projects developed by the authors. Therefore we’ll: i) discuss the articulation between formal and non-formal educational strategies and local development; ii) characterise sociocultural methodologies of community intervention; iii) appreciate how educational intervention can contribute to emphasize local development strategies.

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Youth in a multicultural setting

Tomas Bons

The following is a presentation of how young people (age 17-20) perceive and interpret their position in society according to their immigrant background in the Swedish majority society, subjective integration. From the conclusions of a Master thesis where many of the youths expressed a sense of not belonging to the majority they presented strategies how to handle this situation. One possibility is when education is regarded as a way of self-realisation or as a mean to make it possible to move on to a life in another country. On the other hand they presented a strategy of starting an own company as an opposition to the Swedish society. This in order to create an own controlled unit within the society.

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Making the psychological political – challenges for community psychology

Mark Burton, Carolyn Kagan and Paul Duckett

Community psychology deals with the life of groups of people in context and is therefore inevitably concerned with their struggles, successes, projects and dreams. Sooner or later, because these contexts are constructed economically, politically and historically, engagement with the political is inevitable as all social groups encounter social and economic interests that differ from their own. On a global scale these conflicts include competition for resources, the dynamics of profit maximisation, and the use of violence to maintain and extend economic and political domination.

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Engaging Community Leadership: The Intersecting of Global Dialogue and Systems Change

James R. Calvin, Ph.D.

The intent in this exploration of ideas about community talking and eventual actions is to present and comment on some of the critical and key interrelated factors that are driving adaptive leadership strategies as communities confront and contend with a multiplicity of circumstances and situations that are interwoven that involves business, economic and social arrangements and strategies to manage affairs with a focus and eye toward the near future given the possibility that situations and other situations are still to arise. Moreover, all of these factors with complex connections also involve the need for people and groups who are engaged in the contextual play between systems and freedom in all aspects of community life and livelihood.

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Nuevas metodologias en investigacion y prevencion de la violencia en la pareja Leonor Cantera

Vanesa Gamero

El presente trabajo enfoca la relacion de los estereotipos de genero con la violencia percibida por la gente comun en las relaciones de pareja (hetero u homosexual). La investigacion se desarrolla en diversos paises iberoamericanos. Entre los instrumentos utilizados en el estudio figuran un IAT (Implicit Association Test), un cuestionario (que incluye series de items cerrados y de preguntas abiertas) y ejercicios de Fotointervencion. Un primer avance de los resultados de la parte de la investigacion realizada en Espana y en Puerto Rico pone de manifiesto el alto nivel de arraigo de los estereotipos de genero y especialmente de los relacionados con los agentes y victimas percibidos de la violencia en todo tipo de pareja. Ello tiene diversas implicaciones teoricas y practicas en el ambito de la prevencion de la violencia en la pareja.

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Safety Planning for Abused Children; Using a Multidisciplinary Approach

Thomas F. Carr

Safety Plans are formal arrangements, most often drafted for child abuse and neglect cases that are Court involved, in which a Guardian ad Litem [GAL] is appointed by the Court to monitor. These plans may enable contact, even placement, of a child with a parent who may have been found or suspected to have perpetrated some form of abuse to the child, or may pose a risk to the child for some other reason(s).

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The experience of overcoming the stigma associated to HIV/AIDS: a call for collaboration with community Psychology. Carlos Roberto de Castro-Silva

Carlos Roberto de Castro-Silva

After more than 20 years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, it is noticed an intense connection with different forms of discrimination. The evolution of the epidemic has revealed that it stressed other forms of prejudice related to sexual orientation, to gender, race and social class. In Brazil, where the social inequality is very severe, the social exclusion is even a more important feature, once it exposes a bigger number of people to the infection by the virus and other sexual transmitted diseases.

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Risky behaviors and substance use in youth leisure time

P. Meringolo, M. Chiodini, E. Moscardi, & A. Morandi

This research is related to a wider program promoted in Italy by European Union, whose participants are Public Institutions, No Profit Enterprises and Faculty of Psychology of University of Florence. The program is aimed to improve health promotion in young people leisure time by means of community based interventions. Theoretical approaches come from studies about risky behavior, legal and illegal substances use, outreach work in leisure time for promoting healthy behaviors. The aim of this step of the research is to obtain quantitative data about youth lifestyle and about risky behaviors, particularly drug use, during entertainment events. Participants are 1283 subjects, male (51,4%) and female, aged 18-30 years, living in different Italian regions.

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Risk Behaviours in Adolescence: Risk and Protective Factors

Valentina C. Chitas

This presentation put forward the preliminary results of a study undertaken in the context of a PhD dissertation on risk and protective factors linked to deviant behaviour in adolescence. The study employs a sample of 1042 adolescents (mean age 16 years), drawing from elementary and high schools of Lisbon’s suburban area. Measures of deviant behaviour include drug use (alcohol, tobacco and marijuana) and antisocial behaviour (physical and verbal violence, crimes against propriety and indiscipline). Independent measures assess individual, interpersonal and contextual factors: expectations about drug use, self control, motivation and academic achievement, parenting, peersf relations, social control and social support from neighbourhood.

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Sense of community in adolescence

Elvira Cicognani, Bruna Zani, Cinzia Albanesi

In adolescence, Sense of Community (SoC) grows thanks to positive experiences with peers and significant adults in different settings (e.g., neighbourhoods, schools) and contributes to the development of personal and social identity and to positive developmental outcomes. In order to study SoC during this developmental period, it is important to develop instruments that adequately capture adolescents’ feelings and experiences within the community.

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There’s foreigner and foreigner: xenophobic reasoning and anti-immigrant discourse

Monica Colombo, Paolo Cherubini, Lorenzo Montali, Laura Marando

This research aims at analysing the expression of both overt and covert forms of xenophobia in native citizens’ discourse by adopting an integrated analytical approach that combines discourse and cognitive analysis. In particular, we are interested in detecting those discursive strategies that appear to be of crucial importance to the expression of xenophobic thinking and in examining the role exerted in concrete social contexts by cognitive mechanisms in shaping the inner “logic” of xenophobic discourse. To this purpose, 20 in-depth interviews were administered to adult residents from two districts in Milan. Verbatim transcripts are analysed in 3steps: a) computer-aided quantitative and qualitative data analysis; b) discourse analysis; c) cognitive analysis.

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The Bio-psychosocial impact of forced migration: a participatory approach amongst refugees and asylum seekers in Malta

Marika Podda Connor

To explore the bio-psychosocial impact of forced migration on asylum seekers/refugees in Malta. This paper focuses on the complex processes of interaction between asylum seekers/refugees and their physical, psychological, social and cultural environments, in their search for meaning. The author’s concern prior to the study was how the participants make sense out of their lives following forced migration whilst encompassing complex challenges, affecting their health (physically and psychologically) and their social well-being.

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Parent Education Programs: (Co)construction with Parents

Anabela Duarte Costa, Ana Cabrita, Luana Cunha Ferreira, Paula Encarnação, Patrícia Navalho, Isabel Narciso, Guida Mendes, Nelson Agapito & João Nogueira

The parent education / training programs that have been developed for the last two years at the Family Support and Parental Counselling Centre of NOS were developed for and with parents of children and youth at risk as a strategy to prevent and reduce child abuse and neglect. The weekly multi focused 3 hours sessions specifically target the parent¡¦s response to the child or youth needs previously evaluated according to the Framework Assessment of Children in Need and their Families (Department of Health, 2000).

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Standing against the coloniality of power: Claiming the right to democratic participation in the globalized neoliberal state

Mariolga Reyes Cruz

In this paper I look through the conceptual lenses of colonialiity of power (e.g., Quijano, Mignolo), social, cultural and political capital (e.g., Bourdieu, Chronic Poverty Research Centre) to examine ethnographic material from an action research project that aims to promote collective participation on education policy matters at a historically marginalized black and immigrant community in Puerto Rico.

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Compreendendo os Processos de Risco e Resiliência em Adolescentes que Vivem em Situações de Vulnerabilidade Social no Brasil

Débora Dalbosco Dell’Aglio

This work presents research developed at the Center for Studies and Research in Adolescence, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with adolescents who live in situations of social vulnerability. Risk and protection factors in the development of adolescents that live away from their families, in the streets and/or institutionalized in shelters, are discussed.

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Simbolismo do corpo e intervenção comunitária: contribuições feministas para a investigação-ação participativa

Aline Domício e Conceição Nogueira

Nosso trabalho é resultado da atuação em comunidades no município de Banabuiu, nordeste brasileiro, com mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica, considerando a interseção da psicologia social crítica e metodologias feministas. O objetivo é demonstrar a compreensão da tessitura social a partir da investigação-ação participativa com ênfase na simbologia do corpo. Realizamos ações em parceria com o poder público para levantamento de informações sobre os equipamentos sociais, formas de organização e modos de vida, além de promover a participação das famílias na discussão sobre a violência, através do fortalecimento do grupo de mulheres localmente estruturado.

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El uso de la imagen en el trabajo comunitario

Leonor M. Cantera Espinosa, Carmen Rodrigues Tatsch

En este trabajo resumimos el proceso y los resultados de dos experiencias en el uso de la imagen una herramienta para facilitar estos procesos de visibilización, señalamiento y expresión social de problemáticas y necesidades que permanecen latentes en determinadas comunidades que, por ello mismo, tardan en ser afrontadas activamente. En una de ellas, se utiliza la técnica del video antropológico como herramienta de investigación – intervención en el ámbito de la salud mental aplicada en comunidades de Río de Janeiro. En la otra, la imagen es utilizada en la fotointervención, que proporciona una base para la reflexión sobre las miradas y posturas que las personas pueden adoptar ante determinadas situaciones. Esta experiencia se desarrolla en el ámbito de la formación universitaria en la UAB de Barcelona.

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Community-Based Fire Preparedness Practice in High Density Area

Husnul Fitri, & Istiqomah Wibowo

Fire is one of the common disasters in Indonesia especially in many big cities including capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. Although it is considered as human error factor and happened incidentally but fire has become a disaster because its effect to many aspect of community life. It also usually happens in high density area with low social-economic status. Thus, this intervention intends to empower vulnerable community against fire hazard.

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Program of Support and Attention to Families Who Live Socio Environmental Vulnerabilities in the South of Brazil

Narjara Mendes Garcia, Adriana Matos de Carvalho Mendes, André Lemes da Silva, Camila Dorneles de Vargas, Angela Torma Pietro, Simone de Biazzi Ávila Batista da Silveira; Maria Angela Mattar Yunes

This program has its origin in the partnership of the Center for the Studies of At-Risk Populations (CEP-RUA) and the Center for Children and Adolescents’Attention (CAIC) of the Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Both centers joined efforts to potentialize actions towards interventions in order to better understand and assist families who live poverty in the surround areas of the Federal University, in the extreme south of Brazil. The program has been developing psychoeducational and social activities aiming to attend children, adolescents and their families as well as the social agents who work for the services in the social support network such as, teachers, community health agents, social youth counselors and community leaders of the neighborhoods.

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Social cohesion, perceived safety and immigration in a run-down district in Reggio Emilia

Dino Giovannini, Barbara Ferrari, Andrea Pintus e Loris Vezzali

The aim of this study is to analyze the representations and perceptions of people living in five streets of districts 6 and 7 of Reggio Emilia (Italy), in terms of perceived safety and specific problems related to the immigration process and to intergroup relations. In this part of the city, called “railway station zone”, about 70% of the residents are foreigners. Reggio Emilia is the Italian city included in the 12 Intercultural Cities Program of the European Commission Project on immigration and best practices.

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The role of leadership on Child Protective Services

Ana Margarida Graça & Ana Passos

Recent research shows that team’s reflexivity upon their objectives, strategies and processes enhances team effectiveness. However, the role that leaders play in this process needs to be clarified. The present study aims to investigate the mediation role of leadership in the relationship between team reflexivity and perceived performance in child protection teams.

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Training service users to become community researchers for effective engagement within a Participatory action research (PAR) framework

Jo Hobbs

The paper is a work in progress, presented by Jo Hobbs on behalf of all the people who participated and are involved in the project. When the paper goes to publication all those who participated will be formally acknowledged as co-authors. This presentation will highlight: facilitating collaborative working and community capacity building whilst simultaneously empowering and encouraging greater participation and employment of community researchers. This paper seeks to contribute to the wider remit around engaging service user researchers within health and social care services by focusing on detailing the delivery of high quality context specific as well as broad based training for a group of community researchers recruited by Manchester Metropolitan University.

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Parejas mixtas e inmigracion: Analisis del apoyo social

Ma Isabel Hombrados Mendieta y Gianluigi Mosca/o

Uno de los fenomenos mas relevantes por su dimension, complejidad y actualidad, causado principalmente por los procesos migratorios, es el que se denomina matrimonio mixto. En el presente estudio entendemos por pareja mixta, aquella union entre individuos que pertenecen a contextos culturales, nacionales, y/o religiosos diferentes. Nos planteamos analizar las caracteristicas psicosociales de las parejas mixtas y la percepcion de apoyo social como un elemento fundamental para facilitar la integracion social de las familias multiculturales.

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Espacio técnico de la Psicología Comunitaria en el contexto del Sistema de Servicios Sociales españoles: Sondeo exploratorio de tres Servicios Sociales Generales

Jaime Alfaro Inzunza

Este estudio, en curso, tiene como Antecedentes : 1) La participación de psicólogos en políticas sociales es un hecho nuevo, de gran relevancia para la construcción de los diversos campos de intervención social desarrollados en Psicología (Psicología Comunitaria, Psicología de la Intervención Social, Intervención Psicosocial, Psicología Social Aplicada); 2) La escasa literatura disponible muestra la presencia de importantes grados de tensión y desencuentro, entre las orientaciones técnicas y paradigmáticas de las distintas especialidades de la Psicología relacionadas, y las estrategias de las políticas sociales; 3) Los estudios disponibles utilizan básicamente perspectivas conceptuales “etic” o normativo-externas a estos desempeños, siendo relevante la realización de investigaciones basadas en una perspectiva “emic”.

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Shifting borders - Exploring the relationship between women’s mobility and place belonging

Barbara Iuliano

The complex relationship between homeland and host-society reveals new forms of belonging and self-representation, which are related to migrant’s uncertain conditions of existence and multiple interconnections (Iuliano, 2007). The present work aims to preliminary explore the dynamics of place attachment and identity redefinition among foreign women in Italy. The research has been carried out combining complementary methods: documentary research, observation, in-depth interviews and narrative accounts. The main part of the fieldwork took place in Naples, Italy - by means of in-depth interviews with women from Latin America, Eastern-Europe, Balkans and Africa. As revealed by content and thematic analysis of the verbatim transcripts, variables such as time of permanence in the site and geo-cultural context of origin, connote in different ways the emerging of a transitional space of belonging and of an ‘in-between identity’ (Bhabha, 1994).


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Adaptive and Engaging Leadership With Purpose in a Shifting World

James R. Calvin, Ph.D.

The uncertainty of changing times will lead to new global realities for all communities during the present era and globalization journey that will continue as will the shifting and changing of national leaders, human crises, the ups and downs of commerce and innovation, and community and public desires for solutions and outcomes that are both found and missed as time comes and time moves on forward. In this vein, there is the daily reality of survival in many communities while considering how and why and when to engage the state of what already is and the factors to consider for what is possible to happen locally, regionally and because of the rapid and far reaching influence of world events that will undoubtedly present challenges from which there will also rise opportunity as evidenced by informal and formal gatherings such as the World Economic Forum, United Nations activities, European Union activities and other forums in future years to come.

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Games for participation and conscientisation

Carolyn Kagan and Karen Duggan

Information sharing and group processes are dominated by words - spoken and written words. This session will explore how different kinds of games can be used to stimulate ideas, encourage participation and discussion and lead to awareness. We will offer session participants the opportunity to take part in 2 games and share experiences about their strengths and weaknesses for community engagement and conscientisation. Each game has been developed by the community psychology team at Manchester Metropolitan University from collaborative projects on community cohesion and health inequalities. The games can be played by 4-10 players. They are not simulations and will not require role playing, although they will be fun and participative!

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Intergenerational work, social capital and wellbeing

Carolyn Kagan, Anne-Marie Micallef, Asiya Siddiquee, Iyabo Fatimilehin, Amira Hassan, Carla de Santis, Reheela Ali, Tunde Zack Williams, Geoff Bunn

We will report on two intergenerational projects. The first is a School based project, wherein older people work as volunteers in primary and secondary schools in three different localities of the outer city of Manchester. The second is a project with Families in the community, involving older and younger men within families of Somali and Yemeni communities in the inner city (Liverpool).

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On the spirit of community psychology: One personal story

James G. Kelly

I believe there is some value in thinking about how to create emotional and intellectual resources to anchor, enhance and evolve our spirit when doing the work of community psychology. When beginning our careers our families, social networks, mentors and senior colleagues often are sources of strength, support and feedback that are fundamental for us to keep our spirits. When we begin our newly created professional roles, to make our way, it is largely up to us to create our own support systems to sustain our spirit. Our family and social networks, colleagues and students may be at our side but it is ourselves who are challenged to experience personally the places in which we work.

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Homeless and community-less: an action-research

Gioacchino Lavanco, Floriana Romano, Carolina Messina

The major reasons and causes for homelessness as documented by many reports and studies (Main, 1998; Acosta, Toro, 2000) include: lack of affordable housing; substance abuse and lack of needed services; mental illness and lack of needed services; domestic violence; poverty, caused by many factors; prison release and re-entry into society; lack of affordable healthcare; natural disaster.

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Experiencias colaborativas de movilización hacia la responsabilidad social universitaria

Teresita Castillo León, Rebelín Echeverría Echeverría, María Luisa Rojas Bolaños

La realidad social contemporánea evidencia la necesidad de desarrollar propuestas teórico-metodológicas que contribuyan a resolver problemáticas sociales y promocionen bienestar. Particularmente, las universidades requieren estrategias para el trabajo con grupos rurales y urbanos mediante programas promotores de nuevos profesionales que funjan como facilitadores del desarrollo social. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar una experiencia colaborativa e interdisciplinaria de coordinadores de las unidades universitarias de inserción social (UUIS) de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY), para construir un modelo de trabajo en comunidad. Ello deriva de un proyecto de Investigación Acción Participativa enfocado a construir una propuesta teórico-metodológica para el trabajo de las UUIS. Los resultados evidencian que el trabajo interdisciplinario construye espacios para compartir experiencias, discutir las fortalezas/debilidades y el potencial e impacto social de la universidad, establece necesidades de capacitación, así como acciones y estrategias de difusión en cumplimiento de la integración de las funciones sustantivas universitarias.

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Análisis de competencias. Una propuesta metodológica de selección de promotores comunitarios

Teresita Castillo León, Irene Carolina Cauich Chávez, Nancy Marine Evia Alamilla

El Programa Sistemas Agroforestales Escolares y Comunitarios (PSAFEC) tiene como propósito la conservación de la biodiversidad empleando técnicas agroecológicas, con la finalidad de favorecer la seguridad alimentaria de seis comunidades rurales en Yucatán, México. Para alcanzar sus objetivos realiza diversas acciones como el desarrollo de solares escolares en Secundarias Técnicas Agropecuarias. Para ésta y otras acciones el programa requiere contar con la participación de diversos actores. Los(as) promotores(as) comunitarios(as) tienen un rol crítico para lograr los objetivos del programa pues deben ser capaces de trabajar en conjunto con todos los y las participantes para promover el programa, así como difundir los conocimientos y habilidades relacionados con prácticas agroecológicas en beneficio de la comunidad. Este trabajo presenta una propuesta metodológica para la definición y elección de promotores(as) comunitarios(as), a partir del desarrollo de un perfil de puesto considerando las competencias pertinentes que posibiliten un reclutamiento y una selección adecuada al puesto.

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Entre la felicidad y la disciplina: Dimensiones conceptuales del bienestar de personas con padecimientos crónicos

Teresa M. Torres López, Carolina Aranda Beltrán, Manuel Pando Moreno, José Gpe. Salazar Estrada

Objetivo. Explorar las dimensiones conceptuales del bienestar de personas con padecimientos crónicos de la ciudad de Guadalajara, México, a fin de generar propuestas de intervención educativa en salud en materia de enfermedades crónicas.

Conclusiones. Las personas participantes mostraron en dichas dimensiones una visión holística del concepto de bienestar. Las dimensiones de responsabilidad y disciplina hacen referencia decisiones voluntarias de tipo más bien personal, donde la familia y el aspecto comunitario no son incluidos. La segunda dimensión es sobre elementos de tipo mental y social donde se incluyó a la felicidad y el vivir a gusto. Ello implica la práctica de acciones y cuidados de la salud mental, la vida espiritual y social. Se encontró además asociación del concepto de bienestar con el de salud mental.

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La Residencia Universitaria Flora Tristán como parte del motor de cambio de una zona con necesidades de transformación social

V. Martínez Lozano, A. Blázquez Muñoz, & J. Blanco López.

En esta presentación se pretende dar a conocer una iniciativa nacida en el seno de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide por contribuir al cambio y a la transformación de una de las zonas más deprimidas de la ciudad de Sevilla. La Residencia Universitaria Flora Tristán surge como un proyecto social que pretende ser parte del motor de cambio de una comunidad. El edificio se ubica en el Polígono Sur, barrio identificado como zona con necesidades de transformación social. Entre los objetivos del proyecto está modificar las percepciones de los propios vecinos del barrio, insertando en él a una población diferente que hasta ahora no había formado parte de él. Otro de los objetivos es colaborar en el Plan Integral de transformación del barrio mediante la colaboración y el trabajo de los estudiantes en diferentes entidades y asociaciones que trabajan en el barrio.

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Prevalência, significações e prevenção da violência nas relações juvenis de intimidade: um projecto integrado de investigação Carla Machado, Cláudia Coelho, Rosa Saavedra, Sónia Caridade,

Carla Machado, Cláudia Coelho, Rosa Saavedra, Sónia Caridade,
Sónia Martins, Helena Grangeia & Ana Rita Dias

O interesse social e científico pelo problema da violência nas relações juvenis de intimidade é muito recente em Portugal, ainda que a informação disponível indique que os adolescentes frequentemente perpetram e sofrem comportamentos violentos nestas relações, à semelhança do que ocorre em casais adultos. Os estudos atitudinais conduzidos junto de jovens evidenciam ainda que, apesar da aceitação da violência em contextos de intimidade ser reduzida, muitos adolescentes subscrevem mitos que legitimam a violência. Estes resultados estimularam um interesse mais aprofundado na implementação de esforços preventivos em Portugal pelo que, recentemente, diversos investigadores e instituições desenvolveram e implementaram programas de prevenção da violência nas relações de intimidade direccionados à população juvenil.

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Empowerment as the determinants of citizen-participation for environmental management plan

Hiroe MAEDA and Yukio HIROSE

The present study explored the determinants of general attitude and behavioral intention of citizen participation (C.P.) for making basic environment plan. The results of our previous study indicate that through the commitment, environmental volunteers enhanced their empowerment expectation and behavioral intention of C.P. for making the environmental plan. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the ordinary citizens would participate in making the environmental plan when they could expect to get empowerment through their participation. A random sampling survey was conducted on 1500 residents in Tsushima city, which began to make a basic plan for environmental management by citizen participation.

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Psychology of the Oppressed: Encounters with Community Psychology in Palestine

Ibrahim Makkawi

In this presentation I explore and discuss the importance and relevance of community psychology as a paradigm in understanding the dialectics of oppression and mental health in occupied Palestine, specifically in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. I survey key historical turning points in the Palestinian context and advance an argument for a critical and liberating community psychology. I end by presenting a program of community psychology we are in the process of developing at Birzeit University.

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The Psychology of Resilience among Palestinian Female Students

Ibrahim Makkawi

In this paper I present initial findings from a qualitative exploratory study with a small sample of academically resilient Palestinian female students in the West Bank. Participants reported a number of factors that from their personal experiences explain the remarkable academic achievement among Palestinian female students including: Family support, female segregated schools, supportive female teachers, educational success as a path to the public space, and resilient personal characteristic.

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Acculturation across life domains and perceived social support: a research in a suburban community of the city of Genova (Italy)

Mara Manetti, Laura Migliorini, Laura Frattini

The concept of acculturation is related to interethnic contacts and describes the psychological and cultural changes that occur as a result of continual relations among peoples belonging to different cultural or ethnic groups (Gibson, 2001). The acculturation process can be facilitated or inhibited by cultural aspects, individual skills, forms of support and sense of value (self esteem) that the person experiences and develops in contact with the host culture.

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Psychological Sense of Community: Contributions Toward a New Understanding

Clelia Anna Mannino and Mark Snyder

To expand and broaden the conceptualization of community, we advance a psychological notion of community, as a feeling of belonging and connection with a group of people who have shared concerns, and contrast it with community defined in physical terms (i.e., a specific place or geographic location with clear physical boundaries). Results of the present study provide evidence that physical and psychological forms of community are distinct constructs and have differential links to social action.

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O Impacto de um programa de Prevenção dos Abusos Sexuais de Crianças em: Crianças, Pais e Professores

Susana Maria & José Ornelas

The impact of a Children Sexual Abuse Prevention program: Children, Parents and Teachers
Our aim is to present a research in which the purpose is the analysis of the impact of a Children Abuse Prevention program developed in school, contexts involving: children, their relatives and professionals within the school community (teachers). The goal is to evaluate the impact that the development of this prevention program might have in the participants to whom it is directed in terms of their knowledge, attitudes, and competence towards prevention and intervention in child sexual abuse.

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Cambio organizacional para disminución del estrés en profesionales de enfermería hospitalaria

Mª Jesús Albar Marín y Rocío Morano Báez

El estrés ocupacional se presenta mayoritariamente en profesiones que se desarrollan en contacto con personas (i.e. enfermería). Numerosos estudios han mostrado las consecuencias negativas de éste sobre el trabajador y la organización, dominando en su explicación teórica la aproximación transaccional, que lo vincula con los factores psicosociales del contexto laboral. Con el propósito de superar estas limitaciones, en este trabajo presentamos el desarrollo de una buena práctica comunitaria guiada por los principios de la Psicología Comunitaria y la metodología de Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP).

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School climate perception and adolescent adjustment

L. Migliorini, M. Manetti, & N. Rania

According to theoretical framework of developmental contextualism (Goossens, 2006) school context play an important role in the development of adolescent: the variability in adolescent outcomes may be explained by the interaction between contextual factors and adolescent individual differences. Most studies have focused on how perceptions of school climate affect adolescent adjustment; in particular researchers evidence that the interpersonal, organizational and instructional climate of school influences student adjustment across multiple domains (Way, Reddy, Rhodes, 2007; Brand et alt., 2008). The project objective is to analyse the school climate perception and the adolescent adjustment in immigrant, double heritage and Italian students.

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Community-Clinical Psychology in Venezuela: Looking ahead

Maritza Montero & Maribel Gonçalves de Freitas

In this paper we describe how at the beginning of this century a project to create a graduate course in Community Clinical Psychology started at Universidad Católica “Andrés Bello”, with the community psychology area directed by the first author. The initial errors, subsequent corrections and achievements so far produced are analyzed. And the central focus is put on aiming to construct a sub-discipline not for the community or in it, carried out in the usual ways of doing clinical psychology; but a clinical-community psychology taking place within the community, with its participation.

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Refugee families in a multicultural setting

Eva Nyberg

Since about 1960 Sweden has received people from other countries, first as workers in our industry (they came mostly from Southern Europe), from 1970 mainly as refugees from all conflict areas all over the world.

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Enfoque Teórico Metodológico para el Estudio de la Vida Cotidiana

Dra. Maricela Perera

Si todos tenemos una vida y la vivimos cotidianamente, ¿qué sentido tiene plantearse estudiar algo tan conocido? Diversas son las respuestas posibles, en esta presentación deseamos compartir una propuesta desde la mirada analítica de la Psicología Social.

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Community and place identity in change: a discursive approach to local participation

Norma De Piccoli, Rollero Chiara, Greganti Katiuscia

This study refers to participation and to relationships between individuals and environment. We investigated the perception of the quality of the life in the neighbourhood, the perception and evaluation of social ties and of participation by means of a semi-structured interviews on a sample of 29 active citizens. We ran a content analysis on the interviews and then a co-occurences analysis to emphasize the relationships among the different topics investigated. Qualitative data shows both negative and positive features of the quality of life in the neighbourhood and they underline also some critical aspects involved in the process of participation. Further considerations are discussed.

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Narratives and health: Fostering prosocial communities among recent immigrants to Toronto

Wade E. Pickren, Cynthia Shih, Nina Vitopoulos, Julia Stanislavskaia, & Andrea Andreii

In Forrest Tyler’s recent book, Developing prosocial communities across cultures, he recalls two experiences that he and his wife, Sandy, had in Colombia and India that illustrate the idea of prosocial communities and a key claim of this paper, which is the importance of listening to people’s own voices as they recount their strengths and their challenges. In the first, Forrest recalls the experience he and Sandy had in Colombia when they were asked to document the experience of Colombian street children in the children’s own words. These children were generally despised and marginalized. However, when asked to tell their stories, they told of a sense of themselves and their communities as being resourceful and of having strengths as a community. This was different than what the experts expected. As the Tylers experienced, “the experts viewpoints reflected only their own, discipline limited outlooks about the nature and capabilities of these children” (Tyler, 2007, p. 2).

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Disclosure of sexual abuse in school environment: Intervention with teachers

Angela Torma Pietro & Maria Angela Mattar Yunes

Teachers and professionals of education should be prepared to identify and evaluate the signs of intra or extra familial violence. The school environment might be a context where abused children and adolescents feel free to “break” the silence and ask for help. This work aimed to investigate the effects of these situations in a public school located in Rio Grande/RS, Brazil. Seven first school years teachers participated in this research and intervention project. The proposal was elaborated under the theoretical basis of the bioecology of human development.

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Competencias Profesionales en Estudiantes de Psicología

Susana Ruiz Pimentel, Sara E. Ruiz Vallejo, María José García Oramas

The accelerated changing nature of our times has without doubt had a great impact on areas of knowledge. Education in Psychology at undergraduate level is growing rapidly in Mexico, in terms of the emergence of numerous university faculties and graduates, who confront the evermore complex demands of a given context when they enter the workplace, and hence competencies such as team work, planning, organization, innovation, flexibility, decision making, among others require greater attention during their professional education.

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Social exclusion paradox in Poland

Przemysław Piotrowski, Małgorzata Wysocka-Pleczyk, Piotr Passowicz

The process of social exclusion can be described from two perspectives: of the society that stigmatizes and of the stigmatized group. The paper explores the paradox of social exclusion of football hooligans in Poland. The authors argue that social exclusion is not necessarily connected with the reduced level of the quality of life. The sense of belonging to a hooligan group becomes the essential source of support. Simultaneously it is a foundation for shaping one’s identity.

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Construction of a Portuguese Online Forum for Mutual Help

Marta Sofia Pita

This presentation is based on a project which the main objective was the construction of a Portuguese mutual help on-line Forum which the underline subject is mental health.


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De la opresión al bienestar. Explorando Poder, Opresión y Bienestar entre Inmigrantes Marroquíes en España

Sonia Hernández-Plaza, Manuel García-Ramírez, Isabel M. Herrera Sánchez, Violeta Luque-Ribelles, y Virginia Paloma

Durante las últimas décadas, millones de personas han llegado a países de la Unión Europea para mejorar su calidad de vida y la de sus familiares. Las diferentes culturas, mercados y servicios que encuentran en Europa, fomentan en estos nuevos ciudadanos de la Unión Europea expectativas de satisfacción de sus necesidades, reconocimiento justo de sus aportaciones. Sin embargo, frecuentemente los inmigrantes se incorporan a un mercado laboral precario, que les obliga a asentarse en barrios sin acceso a servicios y recursos sociales, fomentando actitudes de rechazo en los vecinos nativos. La incorporación de los inmigrantes se realiza, por tanto, en condiciones asimétricas, que dificultan sus posibilidades para desarrollar su proyecto migratorio. En este contexto, la adaptación de la comunidad inmigrante se configura como uno de los principales desafíos para el presente y futuro de la Unión Europea.

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Places of fear and attachment. How Azoreans perceive seismic and volcanic risk.

Isabel Estrela Rego, Ana Moura Arroz

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have been regular phenomena in the Azores. In spite of the knowledge already gathered by local historians and earth sciences researchers, there are no scientific data on the socio- cultural dimensions of volcanic and seismic risks. A research project on risk perception of natural hazards (TOPOI METUS) is now being carried out in order to study the social cosmographies of seismic and volcanic hazard.

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Disasters and social participation in a Nahuat Community from Mexico

Maria Eugenia Sánchez y Díaz de Rivera, F. H. Eduardo Almeida Acosta, Antonio Vázquez Carreón, Francisco Sánchez Conde, Beatriz Acevedo Calderón

This article is organized in four sections. The first one introduces to the topics of disasters and community participation. The second section describes a participative paving project of a rural community as means of confronting a disaster in December, 1989. A snowstorm destroyed the region’s coffee plantations dramatically affecting its population. An analysis of the relationships of vulnerability, resilience and community participation is presented. The third section is an account of community’s social participation facing intense rains in October 1999 and the positive effects of the joint action of inhabitants from the community, teachers and university professionals. The fourth section presents the dramatic events caused by the Dean Hurricane in August-September 2007. This section stresses the importance of preventive actions derived to resilience and community participation.

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Discutindo o conceito de comunidade na psicologia para além da perspectiva identitária

Tatiana Gomes da Rocha

Este estudo tem por objetivo discutir o conceito de comunidade no campo da psicologia. Na realidade latino americana, as comunidades onde o psicólogo comunitário atua são, na maioria, áreas urbanas ou rurais ameaçadas pela pobreza e pela negação de oportunidades e de direitos sociais iguais.

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¿Por dónde se asoma la comunidad? Un camino desde los adolescentes y la familia.
 Programa de atención integral para padres y adolescentes en dos comunidades urbano-marginales en el municipio de Durango

Rocío Guzmán Benavente, Rebeca Treviño Montemayor

Se presentan los avances de la puesta en marcha del Programa integral para padres y adolescentes como modelo de intervención psicológica en dos colonias marginadas de Durango, Dgo. México. Se rescata la pertinencia de la metodología propuesta por la psicología comunitaria como una estrategia preventiva en la salud mental para padres e hijos adolescentes, en posible situación de riesgo. Se intenta, asimismo, generar procesos de autogestión de las condiciones de vida en las comunidades atendidas y la oportunidad de propiciar la conformación de redes de apoyo psicosocial entre los mismos participantes.

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Marginalisation and Rurality

Dr Caroline Rouncefield

This paper adopts a ‘community psychology’ approach to the study of domestic violence in an isolated rural community. It suggests that such a perspective – of ‘the individual in context’ - provides important insights both into the character and exegesis of the problem and into possibilities for social change. At the same time the research provides an opportunity for reflection on the character and prospects for Community Psychology itself, particularly with regard to its impact on policy and practice for work in marginalised communities.

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Supportive Houses for persons diagnosed with serious mental disorders as sociocultural sceneries

Javier Saavedra

Supportive houses for persons diagnosed with mental serious disorders are essential for a system based on the community mental health. Nevertheless, beyond the recognition of the patients’ life quality improve who live in these supportive houses, it has been researched little on the influence of these sceneries in the recovery’s process of the residents. In this sense, it’s especially important the possibility of constructing alternative identities to the "patient" role in these scenery. It’s necessary to define these sceneries in a complex way in order to start investigating how social environments can help to reconstruct the identity of the persons diagnosed with mental serious disorders and contribute to their recovery.

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Interactive Patterns between professional and Patient in supportive houses for serious mental ill

Javier Saavedra

This study belongs to a research in progress about changes in life narratives of persons diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. These persons live in supportive houses in Andalusia which belong to a Public Foundation. In the present study the more important interactions between professionals and patients are described. It was carried out ten semistructured interviews to expert professionals who work in the supportive houses. The interactions face to face between professionals and patients is one of the essential factors that can help us to understand the process of patients’ recovery in these sceneries. The description includes very wide aspects as the special – temporal context, the verbal exchange, the emotional charge, the professional evaluation of the interaction, etc. The episodes that the professionals reported us can be classified in the six interactive formats.

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Does the “broken window” theory work? How incivilities affect sense of insecurity in Italian university students

Luca Scacchi, Mariagrazia Monaci, Ennio Cavedon

The aim of this study was to examine the influence of incivilities on sense of insecurity in Italy. The “broken window” thesis claims that by reducing signs of disorder, police can make lasting reductions in crime (Wilson & Kelling, 1982). Other studies argue that changes in level of physical decay and social disorder do not lead decreased crime rates (Taylor, 2001). However, all these studies, as well as several others, link disorder to insecurity: people who perceive incivilities more are more fearful (Lagrange et al., 1992; Santinello et al., 1997). Moreover, past works have stressed the multidimensional constructs underlying psychological reactions to crime: personal fear of crime, social concern of crime, and perceived risk of crime have different predictors (Freudenberg, 1971; Van der Wuff, 1986; Amerio & Roccato, 2005).

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Judicial environment and poor families: risk or protection for relationships?

Simone de Biazzi, Ávila Batista Silveira, & Maria Angela Mattar Yunes

The quality of family relations has an expressive role over the human existence and may constitute a context for processes of development and learning of competencies. It also contributes to the improvement of social structures. The bioecological approach of human development puts forward the importance of those and other interactions. This study aims to investigate the relational processes and mechanisms operating in the judiciary environment that attend poor families involved in judicial conflicts.

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Construyamos juntos una comunidad educativa libre de violencia

Sara E. Ruiz Vallejo, Susana Ruiz Pimentel, María José García Oramas

Let’s build a violence free educational community together, is the slogan of an applied research project working with young men and women between the ages of 14 and 18 years, who are students in the Telebachillerato system in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, due to conclude at the end of 2009.
The project is formulated in four stages: 1) Inquiry, 2) Group intervention, 3) Development of support material and 4) Formulation of Public Policies. This research demonstrates the results of the inquiries carried out on violence in communities.

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Sesgo endogrupal, metaestereotipos y emociones hacia el exogrupo entre inmigrantes en España

Dr. José Juan Vázquez, Anabel Díaz Aberasturi, Dra. Sonia Panadero

Se presentan los datos preliminares de un trabajo realizado en la ciudad de Guadalajara (España) sobre una muestra de inmigrantes procedentes de países con bajos niveles de desarrollo. El trabajo pretende profundizar en los metaestereotipos, el choque cultural y las estrategias de integración de los grupos de inmigrantes más numerosos en la ciudad de Guadalajara, concretamente grupos de origen latinoamericano, de Europa del Este y África. Como criterios de inclusión muestral se consideró ser de origen extranjero, proceder de un país con un menor nivel de desarrollo que España, tener más de 14 años y llevar menos de 10 años de estancia en España. La muestra inicial se encuentra compuesta por 100 personas inmigrantes procedentes de Latinoamérica (55,4%), Europa del Este (23,8%) y África (20,8%). La muestra presenta una media de edad de 32,02 años y una media de estancia en España de 4,5 años.

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Prejuicio hacia los inmigrantes entre los jóvenes de Guadalajara (España)

Dr. José Juan Vázquez, Anabel Díaz Aberasturi, Dra. Sonia Panadero

En el trabajo se analizan las diferencias en actitudes racistas entre los jóvenes de Guadalajara, evaluadas mediante la “Escala de racismo moderno” (Navas, 1998; García, Navas, Cuadrado y Molero, 2003).
Sobre una población de 16.744 jóvenes de entre 14 y 30 años censados en la ciudad de Guadalajara se realizó un muestreo aleatorio estratificado por sexo, edad y área de residencia. A fin de reducir el error de muestreo hasta 0,03, se estableció el tamaño muestral en 1.044 jóvenes. La muestra final se compone por 541 varones (51,8%) y 503 mujeres (48,2%), siendo la media de edad de 22,7 años.

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Sentido de comunidad y bienestar en usuarios de asociaciones sociales de salud

Ma Teresa Vega, Ma Augusta Pereira

Las asociaciones sociales son contextos comunitarios que contribuyen al bienestar de sus usuarios a través de los procesos de influencia social que desarrollan. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar en qué medida las asociaciones, al formar parte de la red de apoyo de los usuarios, contribuyen al desarrollo de un sentido de comunidad en sus miembros y en qué grado éste determina el bienestar psicológico a través de procesos sociocognitivos. La muestra está formada por 113 sujetos afectados por problemas de salud de entre 13 y 80 años que recibían servicios de 22 asociaciones sociales y de salud.

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Leisure, information needs and social participation of outskirts young people in Murcia (Spain)

Juan J. VERA, Jose. A. LOPEZ-PINA, Gabriel NAVARRO

A representative stratified sample (age mean=22.7 years; sex: 50.8% males, 49.2% females) of 626 young people was randomly selected in a group of suburbs and minor rural localities (pedanías) of Murcia Borough (Spain). The outskirts young were interviewed and responded a wide questionnaire including among others a set of items already verified in conventional youth surveys. Means comparisons, factorial analysis and logistic regression (SPSS v. 14) summarize compile data. The aims of study were to explore practices and opinions about weekly and weekend leisure, information needs and problems and opportunities for social participation, in order to improve the action of a Youth Information Centre (InformaJoven).

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Hemophilia: Promoting health in children

María José Baqueiro Victorín & Nancy Marine Evia Alamilla

One of the main goals in childhood is to be independent. It is an ability normally developed by children when they have good conditions. But, when children have a chronic illness such as hemophilia, they have affliction and experience stress especially when they have to be in hospitals and have diagnosis and therapeutic processes that can be aggressive and painful. The reason for this affliction is because they have not developed good coping strategies and, as they grow up, they get more conscious of their illness, and it makes them feel uncertainty.

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Strategies to promote resilience in families of low income exposed to social and environmental risks

Maria Angela Mattar Yunes

The investigations of processes and possibilities of resilience in families who live poverty is an issue related to the Positive Psychology movement. This discussion is important because it helps to question ideological concepts and build a new professional approach more oriented to healthy aspects of human development rather than the pathological ones. The framework of the key processes for family resilience considers that families can emerge stronger and more resourceful in meeting and coping successfully with challenges. The present work aims to propose strategies to promote the development of resilience in families at risk based on the improvement of the relational quality of the professional’s services who deal with families.

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Sense of community in the work context. A study on members of a co-operative enterprise

Bruna Zani, Elvira Cicognani

This study investigates the psychological relationship between the individual, the work organization and the community context. In particular, the influence of organizational (Organizational Sense of community, Organizational identification, Organizational efficacy, Perceived Organizational values) and community variables (Sense of community referred to the local community) on workers’ psychological well being was assessed, taking into account a particular work context: the co-operative enterprise.

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El trabajo multidisciplinario para el estudio de la vejez en el medio rural

María Virginia Mateu Armand, Catalina Cervantes Ortega, Marcela Rosas Nexticapa, & Idalia Illescas Nájera

El presente artículo describe el trabajo de un grupo de docentes e investigadores de diferentes áreas del conocimiento, que comparten el interés por estudiar la problemática de la vejez y el envejecimiento en las zonas rurales del Estado de Veracruz, México. El documento, reporta el proceso de conformación del equipo de trabajo denominado Grupo Operativo Gestor Multidisciplinario (GOGM), así como las características que lo describen, el cual está basado en la teoría de grupos de Pichón Rivieré y el concepto multidisciplinariedad, grupo que se presenta como estrategia para el trabajo de campo. La investigación está basada en la Metodología Cualitativa, enlazada con la Investigación Acción Participativa y el Método Etnográfico.